Thursday, November 25, 2010

It's Thanksgiving Let's Give Thanks

     It's snowing in Seattle again and I am not comfortable driving in this weather again. I am a good driver, but I don't know if I am able to drive from Seattle to Seatac. I know that the back roads near my condo unit aren't clear of snow and ice. I am not that crazy to venture out to see where I will get stuck at. I can only imagine driving out onto the snow and ice covered roads. Hit a ice patch and go spinning down the bottom of the hill until my car hits a snow hill and I am stuck. Than I will have to wait for someone to dig me out or walk back home. As you can see I have a wild imagination. These thoughts haunt my dreams at night.

     I stuck my face out for a bit today and quickly went back inside. It is cold out there. I know that I should be thankful that I am inside where it is safe and warm. That if I had 4 wheel drive I would be expected to drive to my family's house for thanksgiving. Well, I don't. I have front wheel drive and change for the bus. I think spending all day on the bus will not be my idea of fun, plus I have to walk up a steep incline to my aunt's house. I am not that braze. That is why I am a chicken. I am proud of that probably, because my family have lived past the age of 100 because we never took chances on our lives. Would you?

     I am waiting for the rain that is suppose to happen this afternoon. I don't see rain I see snow. I don't think I will be able to leave my condo unit and brave the back streets to get to the freeway. I guess I am stuck in Winter Wonderland until the rain comes and washed it all away. I am stuck in this White Menace and need help to escape it. How about helping me out? What do you think?